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  • Fire Awareness

    fire awareness course

    Fire Awareness


    According to the HSE, most fires are preventable. Under government legislation, all employees (including managers, supervisors, full-time and part-time staff) are required to undertake adequate fire safety training, regardless of the industry they work in.

    This on-line Fire Awareness course will provide you with the knowledge of the risks associated with workplace fires, this will also provide an introduction to working safely with fire equipment in the event of a fire.

    ● This course is in accordance with UK Health and Safety legislation
    ● Fully online course, ongoing assessment, no time limits
    ● Confirmation email on completion of each module
    ● On successful completion of the course your will be able to download your certificate immediately
    ● Approximate duration: 1-2 hours

    Our course consists of 6 modules
    ● Introduction
    ● Fire
    ● Types of fire
    ● Types of fire extinguishers
    ● Precautions to prevent a fire
    ● What happens in the event of a fire

    Who Should Take This Course?
    Fire safety training is therefore compulsory for all organisations. Employers are required to ensure that all new employees undergo fire safety training when they first start work and that existing employees have their training refreshed if any new fire risks are identified by a risk assessment.

    Knowledge on fire safety is incredibly important, as failure to comply with government fire safety regulations could potentially lead to prosecution, fines or legal claims.

    Do You Comply With Fire Safety Regulations?
    Duties are imposed on employers by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, the Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 and the Fire Safety Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2010.

    These Regulations state that, in England and Wales, all employers, owners, landlords or occupiers of business or non-domestic premises are known as the ‘responsible person’ and are required, by law, to provide staff with information and training on fire safety.

    Regulation 21 of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 specifically states that ‘the responsible person must ensure that his employees are provided with adequate safety training (a) at the time when they are first employed; and (b) on their being exposed to new or increased risks.’

    In addition to this course we are able to provide a practical assessment on the use of Fire Safety equipment and Fire Warden courses via our on-site training company Kentra Training Limited this is not compulsory but is recommended as the next step in your ongoing training program.

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